Choosing a new online wagering site is very much like selecting a new Golf course to spend time at. How many times have you reviewed a brochure or website for one only to find things totally different when you arrive? However good something looks in an advertisement, the proof is in the pudding and sometimes you have to see it with your own eyes before putting any money down.
Online staking sites are very similar, especially in that their owners tend to give the impression that they are the best thing since sliced bread! Just like actual Golf courses, though, there are some that hit and some that miss and your job is to make sure you stick to the former. And we are happy to tell you that there are many great operators out there that more than have their act together and deliver enjoyable, trustworthy, potentially very profitable betting experiences!
While it always pays to use the services of reliable online comparison sites, if you choose not to, or want to know what to look for anyway, then there are a few guidelines that should be followed when you are deciding where to open up a new wagering account for your online staking adventures.
Review the Betting Options
Golf is a great sport for many different reasons, but when it comes to wagering on games and tournaments, the Prop stake options are a must-have. There are so many fun bets available that it would be a shame to miss out on them because you have chosen a sportsbook that doesn’t make any kind of effort. Examples include The Cut Line, How Many Holes in One in a Tournament, Lowest Tournament Round, Top Former Winner, and Will There be a Playoff?
Certain sites will only offer you the chance to choose winners, but others will let you take advantage of this kind of extended wagering flexibility and we highly recommend the latter.
Check Betting and Transaction Limits
Whether you like to stake big amounts of money or not, it is never a good idea to sign up for a new betting account without finding out everything there is to know about the operator in question. A big factor to take into consideration is the minimum and maximum limits set for your wagers and what the restrictions around depositing and withdrawing money are.
The first step is to set your staking budget, whether this is daily, weekly, or monthly because that is how you can work out what kind of limits you can work with and whether or not the restrictions in place will even affect you.
Something to bear in mind is that many bookmakers are more than happy to raise the limits they have posted if you reach out to them since they want to accommodate bigger bettors as far as they can. This works the other way as well, and you should be able to implement your own curbs if you want to.